Christian Mom of 15 Makes Family Meals Fun and Frugal

Are you a busy mom who needs a little advice from a woman with experience? Well look no further and meet the woman who knows, Lyette Reback, mother of 15 on the premier episode of Mom 15, a brand new HooplaHa Original Series. Lyette grew up an only child. When she met her husband, David, it was love at first site and they were immediately engaged. It didn’t take long for the newlyweds to decide they wanted a large family and adopted their 15 children. As I’m sure you can imagine, Lyette and David have a very busy life, making sure their children are happy, productive and doing what they love. Lyette strives to teach her children the importance of family, patriotism and the ways they can make the world a better place, but creates long lasting memories for her children by helping the laugh, love and have fun!

On this episode, Lyette reveals her secrets behind stretching the dollar of her grocery budget while not compromising on taste and flavor. Lyette and David have mastered the art of quick and easy meals, preparing and recycling ingredients and maximizing their groceries by making meals in the crock pot. Whether you’re cooking for a family of 15 or for yourself, everyone could use a little advice on how to save a buck or two!

This video series was produced by Lucia Nazzaro and shot/edited by Jean Carlo Ramierez. Need a little more advice for the busy mom on the go? Check out the Just For Mom YouTube channel, part of the HooplaHa Network…and don’t forget to smile!

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want to Go to Church - Your Daily Prayer - February 15

Give all the matters over to the Lord and trust Him with the outcome. The Lord can be fully trusted, and He will never fail you.

Read Today's Devotional