Dungeon Ranger Episode I - Movies


Published on youtube Aug 27, 2013 with this description:

A medieval lego movie where the main character fights a stone golem and enters a dungeon labyrinth. The plan is to make a bunch of episodes, over the years and then string them together into a feature length movie. Ha! like that'll ever happen.

Well I hope you like it. :)

The music is originally from Diablo I, by Blizzard Entertainment. I completely do not own the rights to it, nor do I claim any credit for it. Here's the video I got it from, (starting around 6 minutes): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcTAVQ...

Some of the sound effects are from Warcraft III, or Counterstrike.

Many thanks to EkulSolo for setbuilding, brainstorming and advice. Here's his youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/EkulSolo he's got some neat animated movies and an awesome music collection.

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