Strange Fire: A Video Interview with John MacArthur

John MacArthur’s hotly debated conference and book, “Strange Fire,” (Thomas Nelson, 2013) biblically evaluated the doctrines, claims, and practices of the modern charismatic movement. Of concern to many gospel-loving believers either identifying as charismatics or sympathizing with them has been the question “Where exactly does the Bible plainly teach that some gifts of the Holy Spirit cease after the time of the original Apostles?”’s editor, Alex Crain, directs this and other key questions to Dr. MacArthur in an exclusive interview.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for When a Friendship Falls Apart - Your Daily Prayer - February 9

If you've walked through losing a friendship, I see you. I know it is painful and, at times question, provoking. But, let Jesus in that space.

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