Uba Uba 果園

Uba Uba果園 果子堆滿天 Uba Uba果園 個個都鐘意 沒有西瓜(no?) 沒有香蕉(no?) 沒有菠蘿(no?) 也沒有橙 (no!) 但我有果子(where?) 在我心中(係咩?)你吃不到但感覺得到 *我有: 仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、慈祥、良善、 信實、溫柔、節制 ; 仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、慈祥、良善、 信實、溫柔、節制Uba! Uba!
Uba Uba果園 果子堆滿天 ,Uba Uba果園 個個都鐘意,沒有芒果(no?) 沒有士多啤梨(no?),沒有蘋果(no?) 也沒水晶梨(no!),但我有果子(where?) 在我心中(係咩?) ,你吃不到但感覺得到 (重唱*)

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Generosity toward Those in Need during Christmas - Your Daily Prayer - December 8

When we look at all that God has given us despite what we have done to him, it humbles us. It makes us want to give generously because he gave everything for us.

Read Today's Devotional