Entire Plane Joins In Celebrating Little Boy's Birthday - Inspirational Videos


This TikTok video will warm your heart and remind you of the goodness of people.

It begins with a little boy traveling alone on an airplane on his birthday. The woman filming the video says that she decided to ask the flight attendants for a favor. 

“To make his birthday feel less LONELY and create a MAGICAL MEMORY!”

She got the whole plane involved! The video shows all the flight attendants getting something ready and then walking down the plane's center. The screen says, “But I had NO IDEA what was about to happen…”

One of the flight attendants gets on the speaker to announce that the boy has a birthday today, and he stands right there next to her. The boy went from scared and alone to celebrated and excited.

First, everyone closed their windows, and the plane got very dark. Then everyone turned on their call lights, which made the plane look like it had a bunch of birthday candles in it. Then the plane started to sing Happy Birthday to the boy.

What a precious and lovely moment for this sweet little boy! 

His face lights up, and you can see his huge smile. He was truly loving all of this. Not only did his day turn around, but he will remember this act of kindness for the rest of his life. He will always remember this birthday with fond memories instead of feeling alone. 

In today’s world, we all need a little more kindness. People can go through all types of challenges and just need a little happiness in their lives to turn their day around. We can each be someone who makes another person’s day a little brighter. 

“And be you kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.” - Ephesians 4:32

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