MercyMe ‘Always Only Jesus’ Live Performance Video

One of the most popular and beloved Christian music bands, MercyMe, has turned in a moving and inspiring performance about Jesus Christ’s love, faithfulness and power.

Humans have a nasty and unfortunate habit of making a complete and utter mess of things. The first people to ever walk the earth willfully disobeyed the one command God gave them. Instead of adhering to God, their disobedience brought sin into the world. 

Since the bite of that forbidden fruit, sin has done nothing but hurt and destroy, wreaking havoc on the world. But there is an answer to that sin, shame and death: Jesus Christ.

In a clip posted on YouTube, MercyMe sings “Always Only Jesus.” The emotional and beautifully written praise and worship tune tells of Christ’s power and victory over sin, death and Hell. Not even Hell will speak the name of Jesus, as the song’s lyrics state.

“Every breath I’m breathing will be filled with praise
Just for one name, always only Jesus
Let my heart cry holy, and my hands be raised
Just for one name, always only Jesus”

The sin unleashed by Adam and Eve is still destroying lives and relationships today. But praise God, Jesus Christ willfully went to the cross, shedding his blood for you and me. He suffered, died and later rose from the grave so that we may experience everlasting life with Him.

Because of His death on the cross, we no longer have to live in our sin and shame. We can be restored to a right relationship with the Savior of the world. Christ’s blood and forgiveness, freely offered to all, wash away all sin and shame. 

That life-changing love, forgiveness of sin and offer of everlasting life are only available through one name: Jesus Christ. 

Hebrews 12:2 “Having our eyes fixed on Jesus, the guide and end of our faith, who went through the pains of the cross, not caring for the shame, because of the joy which was before him, and who has now taken his place at the right hand of God’s seat of power.”

Source: MercyMe

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