Starved Dog Makes Miraculous Transformation After Rescue - Inspirational Videos


Phelps was in danger of becoming an actual angel. He was found in the bottom of a sewer drain. How he got there, no one knows, but this starved dog makes a miraculous transformation after being rescued. When this poor pooch was found, he was beyond unrecognizable. 

He was emancipated, and his paw pads were damaged from being in the sewer, and his tail was suffering from gangrene. Phelps cowered near any human because he didn’t know if he would receive their wrath or mercy. Phelps was created to be a companion, to be loved, and the only thing he knew was pain and loneliness until he met his furever dog mom, Crystal. 

Stunned by Phelps' abuse, she got him to the vet as quickly as she could to get him the care he so desperately needed. After his tail was removed, he seemed to be in better spirits, but he was still afraid of people. But Crystal wasn’t going to give up on him. She took him home, and he explored his new surroundings and met his new doggie siblings. 

Slowly, this sweet fella started to heal and came out of his shell one day at a time, especially when he got toys to play with. His dog mom doesn’t think he’s ever had toys before. It’s so adorable to watch him chomp on his new toys and prance off to a corner of the house where he likes to hide them. 

The transformation from being pure skin and bones to a healthy, spirited pup was absolutely amazing to watch. Not only does he love his dog mom, he also adores his new big brother Kato. Wherever Kato goes, Phelps is sure to be by his side. 

Isn't it amazing how love can take a broken soul and transform it into something vibrant and full of life? Transformation in our own lives starts when we let God love us. Transformation is not only about changing how you look or changing how you behave. True transformation is about our souls. Phelps is one blessed dog who now has a story of what love can do. 

Psalms 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

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