“Praise” Elevation Worship With Brandon Lake, Chris Brown, and Chandler Moore

Check out this video of “Praise” by Elevation Worship with Brandon Lake, Chris Brown, and Chandler Moore! You may be hard-pressed to find anything other than reasons to lift your arms and raise your voice in exultation! 

Front and center, Chandler Moore is dressed in a gold, black, and white jacket. He wears a white T-shirt and khaki pants. Chandler gets the crowd excited! He engages them with clapping, chanting, jumping, and dancing. And why not! This huge group of God-loving folks is together to celebrate Jesus! 

The first verse begins at 23 seconds, and it’s Brandon Lake who sings now. He sings the lyrics about praising in the valley and on the mountain when he’s certain and when he’s doubting. The words appear on the screen, so it’s nearly impossible not to sing along. A pastor’s kid from South Carolina, Brandon has two tattoo sleeves and a heart for Jesus. 

Chris Brown, wearing a baggy brown sweater and jeans, takes the second verse beginning at 1:15. He declares the power of praise in every situation, likening the activity of praise to a weapon. The lyrics reference the Battle of Jericho, in which the city’s walls tumbled to the ground after God directed the Israelites to march around Jericho’s walls while playing trumpets and shouting.     

After another verse sung by Brandon Lake, the remaining minutes of the performance bring together the three artists—all accompanied by numerous backup singers and instrumentalists also on stage. However, it’s not just those on stage that are singing and dancing. The entire crowd is participating in this jubilant and joyous expression of praise!

This performance and song are super impactful. Check out just a few of the nearly 1,300 comments from viewers of the video, which has now been viewed 1.7 million times! Connecting with believers and those that aren’t. Reaching troubled souls and providing refreshment. Demonstrating the joy of a relationship with Jesus. Well, those things are most assuredly worthy of praise!

“Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.” Psalms 150:1-2


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A Prayer for When a Friendship Falls Apart - Your Daily Prayer - February 9

If you've walked through losing a friendship, I see you. I know it is painful and, at times question, provoking. But, let Jesus in that space.

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