Wintley Phipps - It Is Well With My Soul (From Bill Gloria Gaither Live)

One unbelievably talented vocalist turned in a moving and powerhouse performance, thrilling a studio audience with his rendition of a beloved and classic hymn.

Anyone who has been alive for any significant amount of time understands that the road of life can frequently be bumpy. Trials, hardships and difficulties come to everyone at one time or another. But as the Bible mentions on several occasions, God is faithful. He works for those who love him, never leaving or forsaking them in their time of need.

Singer and songwriter Wintley Phipps performed the timeless hymn, “It is Well with My Soul.” Wintley gives a moving and emotional performance of the song about enduring those trials and hardships of life, knowing that God is still in control. Because of this knowledge – understanding that Christ is still at work and on the throne - Christians will survive those periods of testing and uncertainty. 

“When peace like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul”

Trusting in the Lord and in His guidance and direction requires a fair amount of faith, especially in times of pain and sorrow. But He is a faithful, loving God able to overcome anything and all things. He has never failed us yet and there’s no reason to believe He ever will.

Wintley’s vocal performance is outstanding, causing the entire room to give him a much-deserved standing ovation. But before He even begins singing, leaving the audience in awe of his God-given musical gifts, He gives everyone something to think about and ponder.

While talking about a particularly significant interaction he had decades ago with a flight attendant, Wintley made an incredibly wise statement about God, troubles and overcoming those situations.

“It is in the quiet crucible of your personal, private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born and God’s greatest gifts given in compensation for what you’ve been through,” he said. 

John 16:33 “I have said all these things to you so that in my you may have peace. In the world you have trouble but take heart! I have overcome the world.”


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Tell Yourself a Better Story - Your Daily Prayer - February 11

We must be aware of our words and choose them wisely so that we can breathe life into our stories.

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