Opera-Singing Cat Steals The Show With Viral Video Moment

This video is precious and unexpected. In this clip, an opera-singing cat steals the show with a viral video moment. 

Maura is a young girl practicing her opera in her room at home. She has a beautiful voice and clearly has great training. As she happens to be recording her performance and intently singing her song, something very unexpected takes place. 

Her cat jumps up on the desk in view. The cat starts to look at the camera just like the girl and jumps in for a solo. Maura is in total shock. The cat meows in a singing-like manner, and Maura begins laughing at what is happening. 

As the background music continues to play, the animal keeps on making sounds. Maura is tickled over the whole thing. The cat is so poised and focused and only “sings” at certain moments, finally the cat is done and exits the camera view. 

Maura is very shocked and laughs that her pet just stole the show. We can agree that this is definitely one very bright animal.

Sometimes in life, unexpected things happen. Just like Maura knew to laugh and not take her song too seriously, we, too, are called to be slow to anger. It can be easy to get frustrated and annoyed, but we are called to live by the Spirit and not our flesh. 

When shocking moments take place, we can invite God into the situation and find joy in Him in the midst of even the strangest times. 

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” James 1:19-20

Source: maura.music

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want to Go to Church - Your Daily Prayer - February 15

Give all the matters over to the Lord and trust Him with the outcome. The Lord can be fully trusted, and He will never fail you.

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