Firefighters Rescue Man In Wheelchair Five Days After He Fell 15 Feet In Feed Mill
We have to thank God this man was found!
The video starts with a man calling another man asking how long he has been there. The man asking is standing high above the other man. The man on the ground responds weakly that it has been between two to three days. In reality, the man had been down there for five days and was now being rescued by firefighters.
The man used a wheelchair and had fallen around 15 feet. Remarkably, he survived the fall and the five days alone waiting for rescue. God was truly watching out for him down there.
This accident happened at a feed mill in Devine, TX that is being converted into a tire shop. Although they had found the man, getting him out wasn’t going to be an easy task. One of the firefighters says in the video, “I'm a master firefighter and I'm kind of in speechless right now… Because when we don't have a hoist system, we call from more manpower.” Because of the nature of the building, there is also dust and debris everywhere.
The firefighters then ask the man if he can feel his toes, and if he can normally feel his toes. They also ask him if he slipped. It appears that he said yes to all of those questions. The rescuers were able to get him out using a backboard and he was taken to the hospital.
We are sure those days in the building were very difficult for this man but thankfully he was found in time and rescued. We hope and pray he is doing well and on the road to recovery.
“Fear you not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.” - Isaiah 41:10
Firefighters Rescue Man In Wheelchair Five Days After He Fell 15 Feet In Feed Mill
We have to thank God this man was found!
The video starts with a man calling another man asking how long he has been there. The man asking is standing high above the other man. The man on the ground responds weakly that it has been between two to three days. In reality, the man had been down there for five days and was now being rescued by firefighters.
The man used a wheelchair and had fallen around 15 feet. Remarkably, he survived the fall and the five days alone waiting for rescue. God was truly watching out for him down there.
This accident happened at a feed mill in Devine, TX that is being converted into a tire shop. Although they had found the man, getting him out wasn’t going to be an easy task. One of the firefighters says in the video, “I'm a master firefighter and I'm kind of in speechless right now… Because when we don't have a hoist system, we call from more manpower.” Because of the nature of the building, there is also dust and debris everywhere.
The firefighters then ask the man if he can feel his toes, and if he can normally feel his toes. They also ask him if he slipped. It appears that he said yes to all of those questions. The rescuers were able to get him out using a backboard and he was taken to the hospital.
We are sure those days in the building were very difficult for this man but thankfully he was found in time and rescued. We hope and pray he is doing well and on the road to recovery.
“Fear you not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.” - Isaiah 41:10
Today's Devotional
A Prayer to Trust God’s Timing during a Long Season of Waiting - Your Daily Prayer - February 12
If only we could take a peek into eternity and see all the blessings that are to come from every prayer, promise, and planted seed scattered through our lives too. But on this side of heaven, we just won’t. What we do have is stories in the scriptures of purposeful waiting and beautiful redemption
Today's Devotional
A Prayer to Trust God’s Timing during a Long Season of Waiting - Your Daily Prayer - February 12
If only we could take a peek into eternity and see all the blessings that are to come from every prayer, promise, and planted seed scattered through our lives too. But on this side of heaven, we just won’t. What we do have is stories in the scriptures of purposeful waiting and beautiful redemption
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