Audio: Abiding In the Vine - Gary R. Kane - Dallas, TX

New Life Ministry
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Welcome, and thank you for visiting our GodTube Channel.

Let me begin by saying these Audio Sermons are for "everyone."

They minister and speak to the needs of all of us, ‘especially the Church.’ These messages, address our walk with Christ. We cover righteousness, the law of Christ vs the law of sin and death, true grace, deliverance and spiritual warfare, and living the crucified life. Also, Ministry and spiritual gifts, and holy living, and the condition of the Church in these last days.

We are confident the Holy Spirit will use these messages to find the mark in everyone's heart that has an ear to hear, and a heart to receive what God is saying to us all in these last days.

God bless you all!
Rev. Gary R. Kane

New Life Ministry
P. O. Box 453111
Garland, Texas 75045

#BibleWord #NewLifeMinistry


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for a Pure Heart to Pursue God - Your Daily Prayer - February 13 

When I have a pure heart, I more easily see God. With a pure heart, I more easily delight in the Lord. With a pure heart, I more easily see His heart.

Read Today's Devotional