Adorable Little Girl Sings ‘Grandpa (Tell Me ‘Bout The Good Old Days)’

An immensely talented little lady turned in an absolutely dazzling and lovely performance of a beloved tune from the legendary country music duo, The Judds.

The world is often a confusing and hurtful place. People tend to say one thing and do another. They make a promise or a vow and then don’t hold up their end of the deal or break it altogether. It’s enough to make most people yearn for a simpler time when someone’s word meant something.

In a clip posted on YouTube, one young member of the Detty Sisters, a popular singing group, gives a cute performance of The Judds’ classic “Grandpa (Tell Me ‘Bout the Good Old Days).’” 

Of course, as evidenced by the song’s title, it’s a tune about a youngster asking their grandfather to recount stories of simple and less confusing times. They desire to know of the past and when families stayed together and prayed before meals.

“Did lovers really fall in love to say
And stand beside each other, come what may?
Was a promise really something people kept and then forget
Did families really bow their heads and pray?
Did daddies really never go away?”

The young woman’s vocal performance is outstanding. The original, from Wynonna and Naomi, will never be topped. It doesn't matter who happens to cover it. However, this young lady does turn in a thoroughly enjoyable and pleasant version. It’s a rendition that could be listened to several times before someone reaches their limit and moves on to the next song. 

She usually sings with other family members. But this time, she is all on her own, and she nails it. In addition to her vocal performance, the little girl appears to have an absolute ball as she sings and dances along to the Judds’ classic.

Numbers 30:2 “When a man takes an oath to the Lord, or gives an undertaking having the force of an oath, let him not go back from his word, but let him do whatever he has said he will do.”


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