Army Dad Surprises 15-Year-Old After Platinum Ticket American Idol Audition

Parents are a big influence on their children. Through their actions and words, they can dramatically impact the lives of their sons or daughters.

One young woman who appeared on American Idol stated that her father is a big inspiration for her. However, Kaylin’s father, who is a member of the military, is commonly stationed overseas and she does not get to see him often. 

In fact, Kaylin dedicated her audition song– “I’m Already There” by Lonestar – to her father. She stated that the song’s lyrics accurately describe her relationship with her dad. 

Simply put: Kaylin’s performance was awesome! The teenager hits the high notes and impresses all three judges. She also sings the emotional lyrics as she appears on the verge of tears throughout her performance.

But little does she know, she’s in for a very big surprise! 

Before the judges rendered their final verdict on Kaylin, they played a video message from Kaylin’s father. However, the surprise did not stop there. He showed up in the audition room! 

Kaylin’s mother was also equally surprised at the appearance of her husband. 

As far as the judges are concerned, Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan loved Kaylin’s audition so much that they gave her one of only a handful of platinum tickets. Kaylin can hardly contain herself following the announcement from the trio. 

Lionel was extremely complimentary of Kaylin, comparing her to a legendary singer.

“I mean you’re 15 years old singing, singing like Streisand,” he said. 

Not only is Kaylin “going to Hollywood” but that specific ticket allows the 15-year-old to skip a round while out in Los Angeles. 

What a beautiful clip, bringing the happy family back together to celebrate a momentous occasion in Kaylin’s life and career. 

Ephesians 6:4 “You fathers, don’t provoke your children to wrath, but nurture them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

Source: American Idol

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A Prayer to Overcome Paralyzing Fear - Your Daily Prayer - February 7

No matter what our fear may be, God is still stronger and more powerful than any circumstance. Choose to give all your fear over to God today.

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