Billy Grammer Moving Performance Of 'Unknown Soldier'

This video clip begins with Billy Grammer telling the audience that this song, ‘Unknown Solider’ is one of his most requested songs. Then he starts to play. 

With his guitar, Billy is sitting in a chair, playing to the audience at Larry’s Country Diner. The clip is from the 2nd season of the show, which was quite a few years ago. 

Billy Grammer was an American country music singer and accomplished guitar player. One of his most popular songs is ‘Gotta Travel On,’ which made it onto both the country and pop charts in 1959. He was also popular at the Grand Old Opry and designed his namesake guitar, the Grammeer Guitar.


Sadly, Billy passed away in 2011 when he was in his 80s. But his music and his spirit live on through his music and past performances. 

The song he is singing here has a sad quality to it. It is the song of the unknown soldier. And begins, “I looked down from heaven’s window on a grave so all alone. I’m the soldier whose body lies there and my grave is marked unknown.” 

The idea of an unknown soldier is a tragic one. We often think of those who have passed as having family who mourn them, but in the case of an unknown soldier, their family could be out there not knowing what happened to them. 

At least we know that God was with the soldier as they passed and he is with the family, who are probably missing that soldier, even if they don’t know what happened to them. 

Larry’s Country Diner is a unique hometown variety show. They have many different musicians and entertainers come on their show. While it does appear to look like a local diner, it is a show and not a normal restaurant. 

“For whether we live, we live to the Lord; and whether we die, we die to the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.” - Romans 14:8 


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A Prayer to Impact Those in Your Sphere of Influence - Your Daily Prayer - February 8

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