Mission To Teach God's Word - Ministry Videos


Precept Ministries International was founded in 1970 by Jack and Kay Arthur. Precept exists to establish people in God's Word and trains millions of men, women, teens and children around the world to discover Truth for themselves using the Inductive Bible Study Method. Internationally beloved Bible teacher and author Kay Arthur is featured on Precepts for Life television, radio and online media, has written more than 100 books and has been awarded the Gold Medallion Award four times. The ministry hosts Training Workshops, Bible studies, study tours to biblical sites and Bible-centered conferences. It also publishes books and Bibles studies in nearly 150 countries and 70 languages. For more information about Precept contact us at info@precept.org, or by calling 800-763-1990. The Precept Ministries International headquarters is located at 7324 Noah Reid Road in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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