Tim Hawkins Hilariously Remembers 'Bad Candy' - Comedy Videos


Most kids love candy! Comedian Tim Hawkins talks about the “Bad Candy” that many of us remember from those nights of trick or treating. We are rolling in laughter at this walk down memory lane!

As adults, we get to pick and choose our candy favorites. Now that we have our own source of income, no one is making the candy selections for us and we no longer have to wait for major holidays to stock up on the goodies! Kids love getting treats but everyone knows that not all treats are equal.

“You ever get a popcorn ball? Remember those?...Why would anyone make this and give it to a kid?”

This time of year is always hard when we go to the store and see shelves full of candy and even at the beginning of the season it’s on sale! How many times have you walked past the aisle and considered buying a bag just to squirrel away in a drawer somewhere and hope that your children (or spouse!) never find it! Perhaps you are hopeful that no one will come to your door and those giant bags of candy will become your late night snack. Of course, if we’re honest, as adults we might just start “testing” the candy before passing it out to the kiddies!

Hawkins hilariously goes on to list many childhood memories of “bad candy” such as wax lips, wax bottles with liquid inside, and brown taffy in the orange wrappers! Then he brings up a sensitive subject, “fun-sized Snickers bars.

“That ain’t fun! Fun-sized is a whole bag of Snickers just jammed together...a Snick-a-loaf!”

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