Be content - Received January 02, 2010 - Popular Christian Videos


Be content - Received January 02, 2010

My child, you wonder what this new year will bring forth for you. Will it be a good or a bad year? Every year, month, week, day and hour has it's good and bad times. You must only take one day at a time, don't worry about tomorrow, each day will have enough of it's own troubles. You are only able to handle one day at a time. Without Me you can do nothing. You must be content, accept both the good and the bad, whatever comes your way. I am in control and will work all things out for good at My time.

Do not worry but trust Me, I am with you in the good and the bad times. I never leave you nor forsake you. My sun shines over the good and the bad also. It shines over you also in good and bad times. Trust me, I am in control of your life, in the good and the bad times. There is a time for everything. Be content in your current situation, do not grumble, be thankful for the good and the bad. I know everything. I hear and I will answer your prayers, I know your needs. I will not fail you. I know the plans I have for you, they are good.

Will you believe and obey Me?

Seek first My Kingdom and My righteousness and all the other things I will add unto you in My time.

Praise and worship Me in the good and the bad times. Be content My child, I will not fail you. I am always faithful and on time.

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