Weal Spill Season 2: Episode 4- Self-Inventory and Self Improvement

Weal Spill Season 2: Episode 4- Self-Inventory and Self Improvement

What do you really know about yourself?

What do you think you should know about yourself?

Learning about yourself takes a lot of time, but it’s well worth the investment. The more you know about yourself, the better decisions you’ll make about the life you’ve always wanted to live.

Self-knowledge will enable you to align your goals with your purpose. The more you know about yourself, the more confidence you’ll have in your decisions.

Bad habits exist. Take binge eating, for example. We binge eat, then we feel bad about it. We tell ourselves we won’t do it again. But, inevitably, the craving comes around again and we find ourselves binge eating again. Then we feel guilty…and the cycle repeats itself, over and over.

Can we change our habits? It really is possible to change your habits, but go easy on yourself if change doesn’t happen overnight.

How to Identify Bad habits? Start addressing these causes first, and then set out a plan of how you can improve your behavior.

So what’s the best path to success? Make positive changes that keep you on the right track. Visualize crushing that old habit and enjoying your new success. You don’t need to be mean to yourself. Try a quiet positive voice that says it might feel good to do something good today. And tomorrow. And maybe the day after that. Before long you’ll realize you’ve been making that positive change every day. And that new habit? It’s stuck without you even noticing.

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