Xulon Press book: The Heavy Heart: And the Unexpected Place o fHealing, Guernsey | Brandon Johnson

Xulon Press introduces The Heavy Heart: And the Unexpected Place of Healing, Guernsey by author Brandon Johnson. The Xulon Press bookstore provides an easy way to purchase this book using the link below, or you can find it at your local Christian bookstore.

Xulon Press introduces The Heavy Heart: And the Unexpected Place o fHealing, Guernsey by author Brandon Johnson. The Xulon Press bookstore provides an easy way to purchase this book using the link below, or you can find it at your local Christian bookstore.

Purchase: https://www.xulonpress.com/bookstore/bookdetail.php?PB_ISBN=9781631299520

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Relax Because God Is Leading You - Your Daily Prayer - February 18

Let’s allow God to guard our hearts and minds giving us rest and peace. We don’t have to overanalyze every step anymore; we get to relax because God is always leading us.

Read Today's Devotional