92-Year-Old With Dementia Still Plays The Piano Perfectly - Inspirational Videos


A 92-year-old with dementia still plays the piano perfectly, and it’s wonderful music to the ears!

Music is an incredible thing, it can be used as therapy or ways of expressing one’s feelings and emotions. One 92-year-old woman, Elaine Lebar, shows us the incredible magic of music in a beautiful and heartwarming video.

Elaine suffers from dementia and she needs help from others for certain things throughout her days. While dementia has claimed some of her memories and abilities, all it took was 88 keys on a piano to show she still has one gift that has not been taken from her.

Elaine played each note to perfection! Dementia is a scary and heartbreaking disease that affects the brain, causing those who are affected by it to forget almost everything, Including loved ones such as friends and family. It is also a dangerous disease, causing many people that are affected to often forget where they are and what they are doing.

With such a terrible disease it is incredible to see Elaine play the piano with absolutely no problem at all. Music has been known to do incredible things, from stopping someone’s tics that are affected by tourettes, to helping calm people with PTSD and anxiety.

Music is a thing of many wonders and it is universal. Music brings people together. We all hear music everywhere we go. Birds sing songs early in the morning. The marching band at the high school down the street rehearses on a summer day. It is everywhere you go and most times you will catch yourself tapping your foot to the rhythm of songs playing in the background or off to the distance.

Elaine knows music to the point that this terrible disease can’t get in the way of her playing the piano effortlessly. We hope Elaine is doing well and is still playing the piano. True talent in such unfortunate situations brings a form of peace and happiness to those who read stories similar to this. God can do incredible things, and this is the proof.

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