US Soldiers Sing 'Amazing Grace' A Cappella - Staff Picks


These talented US soldiers are performing an a cappella rendition of 'Amazing Grace' and it is truly beautiful.

There’s nothing quite like hearing a classic gospel hymn. There’s something about the old school songs that truly touch a special place in our hearts. It stirs up your soul and reignites our fire for the Lord. It also brings up some of the fondest memories I have from my childhood of singing with the hymnal in the church pew.

Today, we’ve got an incredibly special treat because these US soldiers are singing ‘Amazing Grace’ straight up to the Lord in Heaven. Just watch as all of these soldiers come together and sing in perfect harmony. It’s truly a heart-pleasing sound and I just love watching these brave men and women worship our Lord.

‘Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch; like me!

I once was lost, but now am found,

Was blind, but now I see.’

Many of these soldiers have sacrificed so much to be serving and fighting for our freedom. It definitely touches a place in my heart knowing that they all have the love of Christ running through their bodies. And just when I thought it couldn’t get better than hearing ‘Amazing Grace’ from these soldiers, they start to sing ‘God Bless America.’

Their voices are so amazing and it’s truly a blessing to hear them all come together to honor our God and country. I don’t think it gets much better than a Godly medley like this.

Thank you to all of our men and women who are serving or have served in the military. We are praying for you each and every day.

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