Holderness Family - Can You Cook A Turkey In The Microwave

It’s not unusual to text a loved one, especially Mom for cooking advice at the holidays. The Holderness Family is here to poke fun at a viral social media challenge has kids asking Mom “How long do I cook a 25lb. Turkey in the microwave?”

Naturally, the Mom responses posted online have been hysterical! “Don’t ever get married” “You’ll blow up the microwave” “I love ya, but you don’t cook. You bring it to Nana’s like I do” (We won’t lie, that was our favorite!) But the question remains, CAN you microwave a turkey?

Comedic duo, Penn and Kim Holderness are here to find out! Kim is determined that indeed, you CAN microwave a turkey, but not a 25lb bird. Because that would be crazy! “You actually can microwave a turkey… get a small turkey…” Without much support from Penn and the kids, Kim is sure this will work!

She just might be right. After her 8lb. Turkey cooks for about an hour in the microwave, the Holderness Family is shocked at the results!

“It tastes like turkey... if you’re in a jam on Thanksgiving!” Penn exclaims.

Kim just might have a new method for feeding her family after debunking the sage advice from Moms everywhere to avoid using the microwave for their holiday birds!“I slave in a conventional oven for hours and I’m basting and I’m seasoning and I’m brining and a cheap turkey from the grocery store that I stuck in there with barely any seasoning tastes really good?!”

We just might have to try this one ourselves!

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A Prayer to Stay in Step with God’s Spirit - Your Daily Prayer - January 21

Walking with God takes intentional, day-by-day commitment. Let's renew that commitment in prayer today, together.

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