Granny With Alzheimer's Remembers How To Yodel - Inspirational Videos


This precious 84-year-old woman suffers from Alzheimer's disease. This heartbreaking disorder can rob a person of so much and truly take a toll on the family. Though she has lost many things along the way, this amazing woman still remembers how to yodel.

Just watch as she belts out a tune with ease. It's obvious this granny has a serious talent and I'm so glad she gets to use her gift. And that smile at the end truly makes me think that she's remembering a piece of her former self.

It's so heartwarming to watch this special moment and I know the family will cherish this video for a lifetime. Do you have a loved one that suffers from a memory disorder? Let's continue to prayer for anyone affected and that the Lord will take care of each and every one of them.

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