Saved by Angels ~ A True Story of Divine Intervention

Do you believe in angels? Bruce Van Netta does. He was "Saved by Angels." As the front axle of a massive logging truck fell onto this mechanic, crushing him against the concrete floor, two angels appeared out of nowhere to miraculously save his life. He literally watched from above as God's messengers stayed on either side of his mangled body as the emergency medical team worked to spare his life.
Bruce Van Natta's near-death experience brought him face to face with God's angels & His miracle working power to restore his critically damaged body. This inspirational video is courtesy of

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Wayward Children and Grandchildren - Your Daily Prayer - January 14

We don't know what is going on in the hearts and minds of wayward children and grandchildren. God doesn't ask us to know, but God does say to ask, seek, knock, and pray without ceasing.

Read Today's Devotional