I Will Be Faithful to You- Lynda Nolan -Original song - Christian Music Videos


We all feel lost. Lonely, depressed or go through grieving at some time in our lives. This song was written for a lady who was on leave here in New Zealand, having some time off from working in Africa. She was feeling lost, tired, and lonely and was feeling unsure of how she was going to cope with her life back in Africa when she was to return there. She was at the end of herself. I know how she felt, I have been in different situations but the same feelings. God has helped me through those times too.

My Daughter (child) I see your tears

I wipe them with white linen

I store them in a Jar,

They are precious to me.

My Daughter (child) I know your heart

You are so faithful

Seek me and you'll find me

I will be faithful to you.

Come with me and I'll lead you

I'll show you the treasure

Come with me and I'll be there

I'll never let you go

Jesus wept when His friend had died. He understands what it feels like to be lonely, hurting and at the end of yourself. He is reaching out to you today, let the tears go, allow Him to wipe your tears, wiping them with white linen. Tears can be a vital part of the healing process.

Ps 56.8 New Living Translation

" 8 You keep track of all my sorrows

You have collected all my tears in your bottle.

You have recorded each one in your book."

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