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    This is a story of what happens to mothers trying to protect their children from abuse thousands of times a day in the nation. But God is faithful to see them through.sjet122010-10-01T23:03:063,401 views00:09:29
  • Religion and Child AbuseReligion and Child Abuse
    Religion and Child Abuse. Randall Niles looks at the growing argument against parents teaching their children certain religions. When will Christianity be deemed child abuse requiring government intervention?

    Visit http://www.allab...
    randallniles2010-10-02T00:01:032,505 views00:03:41

Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Parents to Praise in the Midst of the Mess - Your Daily Prayer - May 11

When you find yourself wanting to crumble in the mess rather than praise, remember this: God has called you and equipped you for this season.

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