Dwell On These Things

Dwell On These Things

John Stange

How does the Holy Spirit comfort us?

July 24, 2023   ●   45 min

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Four takeaways...

  1. The Holy Spirit comforts us through His presence.
  2. The Holy Spirit comforts us through prayer.
  3. The Holy Spirit comforts us through the Word of God.
  4. The Holy Spirit comforts us through the church.


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To read the first three chapters of "Dwell on These Things" by John Stange, click here: https://desirejesus.com/dwellonthesethings


To get a free copy of John Stange's book, "The Mind of Christ - How to make the most of the new perspective, new eyes, and new outlook you've been given through Jesus," please CLICK HERE.


To email John Stange directly, please send your message to john@desirejesus.com.

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