Believe In Miracles?

Daniel 4:1
All the people of the earth are nothing compared to Him. He
does as He pleases among the angels of heaven and among
the people of the earth (v.35).

During the 1980 Winter Olympic Games, Al Michaels
covered the hockey venue for ABC Sports. The
network could have used other broadcasters, but
Michaels got the nod because he was the only announcer
on staff who had experience calling a hockey game.
Michaels had called one game 8 years earlier.

His assignment allowed Michaels to announce the
February 22, 1980, medal-round match between the
United States and the Soviet Union that has come to
be known as the Miracle on Ice. In the closing seconds
of the United States’ improbable victory, Michaels
enthusiastically stated what has become a memorable
phrase, “Do you believe in miracles? Yes!”

Years later, Michaels chalked up this “highlight” of his
career to “dumb luck.” He added, “Without calling that one
hockey game, I could have ended up covering the biathlon.
And there were no miracles at the biathlon that year.”
While Michael’s humility is admirable, there is another
explanation. When life comes together in remarkable
ways, it is more about divine sovereignty than blind fate.

Daniel records the remarkable events of the life of King
Nebuchadnezzar. After rising to the throne of Babylon and
becoming utterly full of himself, his kingdom was ripped
away by God, who caused him to completely lose touch
with reality (Daniel 4:28-33). It wasn’t until 7 years later,
after a humbled Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged God’s
sovereignty, that his sanity and kingdom were restored (vv.34-37).

Nebuchadnezzar didn’t consider this surprising turn of events as random.
The experience taught him that the results of life are ultimately in God’s hands.
Nothing happens outside of the ultimate control of the One who “causes
everything to work together for the good of those who love [Him] and are called
according to His purpose for them” (Romans 8:28).

—Jeff Olson

Read Genesis 50:20 and see what God revealed
to Joseph about purpose in pain.

How can you better spot the undeniable hand of God in the events of
your life? What has He brought about in your life this past week?



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