Daily Devotional, December 23rd

December 23, 2009

"Loss and found"

It's likely that several people you know have been laid off this year. Recently I learned that another good friend had lost his job. This would be bad news for anyone, but it was especially brutal for my friend because his wife's position had been eliminated just a month before!

King David knew what it felt like to lose his position, and it resulted in true grief and sorrow (2 Samuel 15:30), multiplied by the fact that it was his own son Absalom who had snatched his throne (v.13). We can all identify with David in his feelings of defeat and sadness. The loss of a job produces that kind of unfortunate fruit. The king even wondered if his days of reigning over God's people was history, as he said, "If [God] is through with me, then let Him do what seems best to Him" (v.26). David wrote Psalm 3 when he was fleeing from Absalom. If you or someone you know has lost a job, here are three positive things David found through experiencing loss that could be helpful to you as well: Humility, A job can become a source of our identity and even a source of pride. Loss brings us to a point of humility before God and others. We recognize that it is God alone "who holds my head high" (v.3).

Dependence, Loss drives us to a place of desperation. We truly need God and His provision. We "[cry] out to the Lord" and He answers us (v.4).

Confidence, Not in ourselves, but in God. We learn a deeper level of trust in the One who is "watching over" us (v.5) and gives us "victory" (v.8), both today and forever!

You don't have to lose everything when your job is lost. Trust in God and His provision for today. , Tom Felten, Our Daily Journey

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