wtblake's Uploads

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  • Surfing HawaiiSurfing Hawaii
    Great surfing footage to the sounds of old Anberlin song: Readyfuels...the footage is from www.surfshack.com...Enjoy!!!wtblake2010-10-01T22:45:443,216 views00:03:43
  • The Glorious UnseenThe Glorious Unseen
    The Glorious Unseen, Song: Hear our prayers, From the Album -Tonight the Stars Speak, BEC Recordings---www.thegloriousunseen.comwtblake2008-03-17T00:00:004,670 views00:05:46
  • Today and yesterdayToday and yesterday
    This is a song by Pillar, The Reckoning soundtrack and the pictures are from various artists on FLICKR.

    Remember no matter what you go through in life Jesus is always there for you. Each of us has either over come some great struggles or we ar...
    wtblake2008-03-17T00:00:003,878 views00:03:46
  • God's glory fills the universeGod's glory fills the universe
    Here is a video reflecting how powerful and awe inspiring our God is in creating our universe and earth.

    The song lyrics are from what I perceive, to be about a young man growing in God, but insecure in himself so he hides this fact on the outs...
    wtblake2008-03-17T00:00:005,697 views00:03:33

Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Parents to Praise in the Midst of the Mess - Your Daily Prayer - May 11

When you find yourself wanting to crumble in the mess rather than praise, remember this: God has called you and equipped you for this season.

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