For To Me To Live Is Christ: How To Live In The Unconditional Love of Christ!

For To Me To Live Is Christ: How To Live In The Unconditional Love of Christ!

When you live in God’s Unconditional love you’ll discover what it really means to live in Christ. In His presence is the fullness of joy and we become fully alive!

As we live in that unconditional love of Christ we find out how to have righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. It allows us to be free from ourselves and from other people. It doesn’t matter what people say about us anymore.

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Why? Because we know that Christ accepts us and looks at us with satisfaction. The love of Christ compels us to live free and full!

The key is to follow Him and give ourselves permission to be who He really made us to be; full of righteousness, peace and joy. You know when you hit that state because it is truly liberating.

In fact, when you live in God’s unconditional love, you’ll be able to go into any place and literally change the atmosphere because we are bring Christ with us!

If you truly want to change your life and become your best, you’ll probably be interested in the 18 free videos (like this one) that we have available at:

Also, you should check out the ‘God’s Speaking’ Devotional on Amazon:

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