
The Skit Guys


'Nothing' - The Skit Guys Remind Us Of God's Endless Love - Comedy Videos

The Skit Guys are the mastermind of two Christian comedians, Tommy Woodard and Eddie James. Their mission is to help grow your faith, one laugh at a time. In their video, ‘Nothing,’ the two comedians share about the “nothing” that can separate us from the love of God. The video begins as Tommy slides into frame with a Bible in hand. “Hey, Ed,” Tommy said. Eddie responded with, “Hey Tommy, ready for the Bible study?” When Eddie had asked Tommy if he had done the homework for the Bible study, Tommy seemed very unsure of his response. But he managed to force out a “yes.” Eddie had then asked, “have you answered all the questions from Romans 38:39?” Tommy was breathing heavily when he said, “yeah, mostly.” Tommy then said “well, the answer to the last question is not in the Bible.” Eddie assured him that it was, then they began to comically argue back and forth for a bit. This question was “What can separate you from the love of God?” Eddie begins to read “Know in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Eddie continued reading, “Though I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, the present nor the future nor any powers neither the height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ, Jesus, our Lord.” Tommy had his arms crossed as he said to Eddie, “See, it doesn’t say it.” Eddie had once again assured him that it did. Tommy then stated, “No it doesn’t! It says ‘Nothing.’” Eddie looked at Tommy and said, “Exactly!” Eddie told Tommy that the something he was looking for was nothing. While Tommy was looking for a reason that would separate him from the love of God, the answer the whole time was nothing. Eddie said, “it doesn’t matter what you did last night or five years ago, nothing will separate you from the love of God.” Tommy finally came around and understood what Eddie was trying to tell him all along. So just remember that our Heavenly Father’s love is unconditional. There’s nothing you can do to lose God’s love.