Young Widow’s Rant


2 Corinthians 1:3

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others (v.4).

I’ve never met Stephanie Olson, but through social media I came across her blog The Young Widow’s Rant. The website reveals that her husband recently died at age 33, leaving Stephanie a young widow (age 30) with two young children. I learned that their son Isaac was about to have a party to celebrate his first birthday and that Stephanie was grieving her husband’s absence.


As I read of Isaac’s upcoming party, the Holy Spirit quickened my heart to join Him in comforting “those who mourn” (Matthew 5:4). So I did, along with the 2 dozen Ugandan children gathered in my living room. Here’s Stephanie’s account of what took place:


“I should have known to put my hope in Him [Jesus Christ]. I finish up, . . . flick on my Facebook page, and there it is. Some children from Uganda, that I do not even know, spelled out what Christ-living is for me. . . . I bet these children know what it means to go without. I bet they can relate in some way to what my son will face as he grows up to find out he didn’t get to know his father. And so, anointed with the Holy Spirit, my sister in Christ—Roxanne—informed me that these children paused Kung Fu Panda, prayed for us, made Isaac a “Happy Birthday, Isaac” banner, took a picture, and posted it on Facebook for us. This is kingdom living! So simple. So impactful. So amazing.”


Far too often, I ignore the Lord’s nudging. This time I responded, and I’m so grateful I did. It was an absolute joy to witness this prayerful and loving exchange between Stephanie Olson and a group of sweet African children.


Thank You, Lord, for inviting us to join You in Your kingdom work that includes comforting those who mourn (2 Corinthians 2:4).

—Roxanne Robbins


Read Psalms 34:18 and consider how you can imitate God in comforting others.



What kindness can you offer to comfort and refresh a brother or sister in Christ today? Take time to pray for a friend or stranger who’s hurting.


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