Pillar of Truth

1 Timothy 3:14
This is the church of the
living God, which is the
pillar and foundation of
the truth (v.15).

My friend doesn’t like the idea of attending church.
She says, “People leave their brains at the
church doors.”

A contemporary poet describes the church this way:
“Outwardly splendid as of old; inwardly sparkless, void
and cold. Her force and fire all spent and gone, like the
dead moon she still shines on.”

For some people, the church is simply a place for
those who are religious. But the apostle Paul sees the
church through a different lens. He sees the church as a
significant body. It’s the “household of God,” “the church
of the living God,” and “the pillar and foundation of the
truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). The church isn’t a building, or a
meeting held in a building. The church is people—those
who’ve been born by the Spirit of God and have entered
into a new relationship with God as their Father and
each other as siblings. It’s the “household of God.”

In addition, the church belongs to the living God.
When believers gather, they experience the presence
of a God who speaks His words to them, hears their
prayers, and responds to their worship.

Unlike what some people believe, the church isn’t
an outdated remnant of the past with no relevance for
today’s society. There’s a reason for its existence. It’s the
“pillar and foundation of the truth”—created in the world
to make a difference, to introduce truth into a world
saturated with error.

May God help us, the church, to learn again who we are and what we can
do through Him. For “Christ loved the church. He gave up His life for her to
make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s Word” (Ephesians
5:25-26). The church is a thing of great worth and value in God’s sight.
—Poh Fang Chia

Read Colossians 1:18
and 1 Peter 2:7 for
more insights into the
true purpose and value
of the church.

How can you—as
a member of the
church—participate in
the household of God?
How can you lift up the
purpose of the church
to be a pillar and
foundation of truth?

Visit:  http://www.ourdailyjourney.com

Sowing the Seeds of the Gospel - Billy Graham