The Small Stuff

Exodus 35:4
Every man and woman who was eager to help in the work the Lord
had given them through Moses—brought their gifts and gave them
freely to the Lord (v.29).

How has your ministry been able to thrive in these
tough economic times?” someone asked the
leader of a nonprofit organization. “It’s because
of the small gifts,” he said without hesitation. “The big
gifts dry up when things get tough. But we have a lot
of people who make small donations, and they give
faithfully out of what they have.”

Big, splashy things impress the world. The wealthy
lend their names and mountains of cash to buildings and
endowments, and we are the beneficiaries. Generosity
by the rich is nice, regardless of their motivation. But
God isn’t impressed by wealth.

Shortly after the people’s dramatic escape from
Egypt, God gave Moses instructions for constructing the
tabernacle. Moses said, “Let those with generous hearts
present the following gifts to the Lord,” and he listed the
needs (Exodus 35:5). He also said, “Come, all of you
who are gifted craftsmen” (v.10). And the people came.
Everyone who had a willing heart could play a role. In
fact, they were so generous that Moses finally had to
say, “Men and women, don’t prepare any more gifts for
the sanctuary. We have enough!” (36:6).

When we look at all the problems and needs facing
us, despair may seem like a tempting option. But God
uses small things and anonymous people to dissolve
impossible predicaments. Our desperation is our cue
to lean fully on Him.

“Little is much when God is in it,” wrote songwriter Kittie Louise Suffield.
When we prayerfully and generously do what we can to address the needs
God places in our path, He will take care of the rest.
Don’t despise the small gifts. They can lead to great things by God’s gracious

—Tim Gustafson

According to the prophecy of Haggai, why were the people of Judah not thriving?
(Haggai 1:1).

Do you tend to overlook the little things? What small thing can you do
today to build something in Jesus’ name?