Jesus Speaks On: Demons, Aliens, Volcanoes, and Hell expanding - Ministry Videos


Jesus Speaks On: What Is To Come After The Rapture, Part 6

Demons, Aliens, Orbs of Light and Spiritual Connections to Volcanoes, Clones used to search out resisters to the new government.

In this video the Lord shares some of the details of the things listed above. He also confirms that Hell is filling up and as a result the Earth is expanding.

He talks about the release of pods of clones around the world even in the most remote areas, that will be involved in hunting down resisters to the new government.

His entire purpose of giving me this message was to prepare those who are left behind so that they KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is in control of everything that happens.

This seems to me to be the harbinger of the Rapture, in other words it is on the horizon and He wants instruction left behind for those who are not taken.

Some very bizarre things will happen, things we have no experience with, things we cannot gauge because they are literally, 'out of this world.' So many will be freaked out by this they will fall into despair. This whole series is to prevent that and instill hope. THERE IS HOPE. Despair will be the tool Satan uses to cause souls to give up their salvation and give up entirely on God.

Therefore the Lord has asked me to do this series with Him, in which He is outlining the things that will come. Those who listen to this video will not be taken by complete surprise. They will know what to expect next and that there is absolutely an end to these events, He is Coming to stop it all.

Please download this video and keep it for your loved ones. It will be a light in the complete despair and darkness that is to overtake the world and America. Please PASS THE WORD ON.

Thank you for listening to our channel. May God infuse your heart and mind with supernatural knowledge and understanding. Clare

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