Prosperity Teachers & Money Ministers... The Poor Go Without and Suffer - Ministry Videos


Prosperity Teachers & Money Ministers…The Poor Go Without and Suffer

The Lord’s heart from beginning to end was a constant stream of giving. He didn’t acquire wealth through His teachings as many prophets were prone to do. Everything He did made room for the poor and never did He elevate Himself in status.

Those who teach a property lifestyle are contradicting the example our Lord and His apostles set by their choices in life. It’s one thing to choose a life of opulence, and quite another to teach it. In listening to these ministers I have found that some are not talking about being prosperous with worldly wealth, but are actually talking about the prosperity of a fulfilled destiny serving God.

Motivational ministers are direly needed to counteract the poison the enemy hounds all Christians with; you’re not good enough, you’ll never amount to anything, your family members are losers, you’re too old, you’re to young, you’re too fat…on and on and on.

I believe many of these motivational ministries are ordained of God and anointed for this time in history. But unfortunately the culture of wealth and financial gain has colored darkly much of what they are saying. So I believe we can listen but separate the peas from the gravel. Don’t by (no pun intended) the twisted focus on worldly wealth, but do receive the encouragement you need to fulfill your God given destiny on this earth. Do receive the encouragement to reach for the goals in your heart, the goals that the Lord Himself has placed there. Receive the hope and faith necessary to mount up on eagle’s wings and take your rightful place in God’s plan of salvation for humanity.

This short video is just a perspective offered on the damage prosperity thinking has done to the true Christian faith. It’s in part, taken from the longer teaching The Bride will Not Yield Her Holiness to Money.

Thank you for watching and may the Lord finish the good wo

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