Woman of Virture - Part 1; Daughters' of The King - Episode 24 (2019) - Sermon Videos


A Women of Virtue, Becoming the Best You Pt 1. “Who Are You?”

The Lighthouse Inc. Church presents Episode 24 (2019) of Daughters’ of The King. If someone was to ask you “Who are you? What are your likes and dislikes? Would you be able to answer in confidence? Are you uncertain of who you are? Join Rev. Kathryn Gore as she shares a message of about a relationship between a Father and a Daughter. To a Father, a Daughter is very special in his eyes and God wants you to know that you too are very special to Him. He created you in His image, in His likeness. The World would tell you otherwise but The Father calls you His Beloved. God wants to give you a different perspective on life. He wants you to find your hidden treasure from within. You are His Daughter and He is Your Father. Be encouraged, He’s come to save, not condemn!

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