Kathie Lee Gifford And Danny Gokey 'Wash Your Hands' Dance - Christian Artists


Christian artist Danny Gokey and TV personality Kathie Lee Gifford share a hilarious dance to ‘Wash Your Hands.’

As the impact of the coronavirus increases, it is so important to practice good hygiene during this time. That means covering your mouth when you cough, using a tissue when you sneeze and washing your hands frequently.

In order to remind others about these important hygiene recommendations, Danny Gokey decided to put it into a song. A lot of celebrities have been taking part in the ‘Wash Your Hands’ challenge which incorporates music with a fun dance.

Today, Danny is calling on his friend, Kathie Lee Gifford to help get the message across. Just watch as they stand together to perform this hilarious routine.

Before the dance, Kathie Lee mentions that washing your hands is so important, especially for her, because she is considered as a higher risk for coronavirus due to her age. Even though many, including myself, do not Kathie Lee elderly, she still must be vigilant with her hygiene and encourage others to do the same.

When we all work together to create a better environment, it can truly help to flatten the curve of the coronavirus. It takes all of us working as one to achieve our goal and it is so critical that we all do our part.

And just like the song says, when you wash your hands and clean your space, “This is how you keep germs away.” Who else is taking on this challenge?

Wash Your Hands Dance

My friend Danny Gokey taught me how to do the Wash Your Hands dance. How’d I do? 💃

Posted by Kathie Lee Gifford on Friday, March 20, 2020

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