Dog Is In Disbelief When Soldier Returns Home After A Year Apart - Family Videos


A dog is overcome with joy when his soldier returns home after a year apart.

It’s never easy when a loved one is serving in the military. But this is the reality that many families in our nation must deal with every single day.

They are separated for their family member and must navigate the world without them for a time period. This means celebrating births, birthdays, holidays and more without them by your side.

Even though we are all so proud of what these brave men and women are doing for our country, there is still a piece of our heart that aches for them to return home. While adults can understand why their loved one is away, the concept can be much harder for children and even our animals.

Pets do not know why their human has left but they are certainly glad to see them return. That’s exactly what is happening with this dog when his soldier finally comes home.

It’s been a year since this soldier has seen her furry friend. At first, the dog seemed to be in complete disbelief. He would not even come close to his owner. But after one slobbery kiss, the pup realized exactly who it was and he was overcome with joy and excitement.

This is such a heartwarming moment and every second of it was captured on camera. We are all so glad for this soldier’s safe return and we thank her for all of her incredible work and sacrifice.

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