The Miracle of Damascus Part 25 - Ministry Videos


Catholic Digital Studio has been given permission from Rick Salbato of Unity Publishing to re-produce and re-cut, for the Internet, this documentary series about a church-approved Marian apparition and a Syrian mystic named Myrna Nazzour. The video has an Imprimatur. The messages have a Nihil Obstat.rnOur Lady of SoufaniehrnrnMyrna experiences visions of both the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus. In many of her ecstasies she's experienced the stigmata, caught on film. She has suffered Christ's wounds in her hands, feet and side, and the crown of thorns. She's felt the scourging of Our Lord. Her skin exudes 100% pure Olive Oil with healing properties. It has secreted from her face, hands, ears, feet, neck, stomach and eyes during her ecstasies. This phenomena is unexplainable to scientists and psychologists. The later segments of the film contain their testimonials.rnrnThe Icon of Soufanieh also exudes the same oil, which has healed and blessed a vast multitude.rnrnThere is a section for Testimonials and Related Topics.rnrnMyrna is Catholic. Her husband is Orthodox. Through her husband, she falls under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Orthodoxy.rnrnMyrna's story is pertinent to the unity of all Christians. God desires one flock, one visible shepherd and one form of Eucharistic worship.rnrnThis film is about love, prayer and forgiveness.rnrnPerhaps Unity should start with the Eucharist. The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, writes in his new encyclical, Sacramentum Caritatis, these words, "An emphasis on this eucharistic basis of ecclesial communion can also contribute greatly to the ecumenical dialogue with the Churches and Ecclesial Communities which are not in full communion with the See of Peter. The Eucharist objectively creates a powerful bond of unity between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches, which have preserved the authentic and integral nature of the eucharistic mystery."rnrnIt is our hope that unity will happen in the near-future. We pet

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