Mission Africa: New Dawn (Preview) - Ministry Videos


New Dawn Educational Centre (Kenya) This school was established to serve the residents of Huruma village who previously had no access to secondary education. The school was founded in 2006. Since it was founded, NDEC has had a tremendous impact on Huruma and other surrounding villages. The school has an inspiring story to tell. There are many tales of selfless and dedicated service by its Christian staff members as well as instances of incredible challenges overcome by its students. Literally thousands of children and adults have come to know Christ though the school over the years and the Lord continues to provide and bless the staff members with opportunities to expand and outreach. While I was in the country, I directed and produced a documentary of the New Dawn story in order to share it with a larger audience and inspire more people to become a part of it. Once finalized, (hopefully by the Summer of 2012) it will be shown and presented to audiences around the world.

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