The Call - Acoustic (Original) - Ministry Videos


This is a song I wrote about our call to be evangelical in our Christianity. I'm so blessed to be a part of a church and fellowship that preaches Jesus without reserve. Pastor Mitchell, thank you for obeying God decades ago when you could have been off doing something else! I'm saved because of your unwavering commitment to see this world touched by Jesus. Thank you.

Vs 1

If you could change just one thing in this world

what would it be

Would you try to make a difference in

what our kids learn from T.V.

Would you try to make a stand

for all that you believe

Or will you wait for someone else


There's no more room for selfish games

we're standing in Jesus' name

Put down the remote control

grab a soul and don't let go oh no

There's no more time to waste

and we're not competing for second place

Oh it's up to you and I

Vs 2

So many sinners, so few saints

who in the world is gonna go through it

That's why God raised up Pastor Mitchell

cause someone had to do it

Will we stand by his side and carry this thing on

or will we turn and let it die



Oh there's people on their way to Hell

but we're gonna stop that train

We're gonna take back what is

rightfully ours again

Oh the devil's not gonna have his way

as long as The Potter's House is here

so I think it's time to make it clear


Thanks for listening, hope you enjoy! God Bless!

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