an analogy about truth

In this video, it takes me a little while to get to the point, so I'm going to write it here: pi is like truth, and when we use decimals to approximate pi (3.14...), the decimals are like the words that we use to approximate truth - some words might be incorrect, but no words can be correct enough to fully depict truth (they only help to approximate it). The first billion digits of pi are here:; consider that those billion digits depict an infinitesimally small fraction of the digits that could be used to approximate pi - Thanks to Benni, for letting me use her computer to record/post this.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Overcome Procrastination and Laziness - Your Daily Prayer - October 23

The temptation to be lazy is ever-present. Just like any sin, laziness is exchanging long-term benefits for partaking in temporary pleasure. It is a seemingly easy road, but it leads to consequences.

Read Today's Devotional