Redeemed Quartet ‘Climb Higher’ Official Music Video - Christian Music Videos


A group of four unbelievably gifted vocalists, Redeemed Quartet, performed a touching song, “Climb Higher,” about the Lord’s faithfulness, love and forgiveness.

The world is full of broken people hurting, struggling and simply trying to make it through by any means possible. They are looking for the smallest, the tiniest sign of hope. Sin has destroyed lives and relationships, causing what appears to be irreparable damage. 

But there is One who offers hope and a peace that surpasses all understanding. Jesus Christ offers those who are hurting and struggling comfort. He asks those carrying heavy burdens to cast all their worries upon Him. He is the forgiver of sins and the Savior of the world. 

In a clip posted on YouTube, Redeemed Quartet gives a lovely performance, singing “Climb Higher.” It’s a tune about the healing and comforting power of Christ. 

The lyrics also mention that sacrifice and the price Christ paid for every one of us. He willingly went to the cross, enduring a horrible and agonizing death as he spilled His life-giving blood for all. 

“The path that leads to Calvary

Is marked with tears You shed for me

A rugged cross you bore with love

To bring me to my knees”

What beautiful and truth-filled lyrics about the unbelievable love and forgiveness that Christ freely offers to all. There is nothing that we could ever do to be worthy of such a gift. 

Praise God for His amazing love and forgiveness! 

Even those who aren’t the biggest fans of country music will still appreciate the message conveyed by the beautifully written lyrics. Because there is no other way or hope for man than Jesus Christ. All would be lost without and condemned to live out their days in their sin and shame if not for His sacrifice on Calvary.

Romans 5:8 “But God has made clear his love to us, in that, when we were still sinners, Christ gave his life for us.”

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