Mesmerizing Duck Stampede On Dirt Road

Check out this quick, quirky video because most of us will never actually witness a duck stampede on a dirt road in Cambodia! It’s crazy cool!

Our world is full of nutty, weird, enthralling, and lovely plants, landscapes, and creatures. Of course, if we are honest, there are a lot of us humans that fall into one or more of those categories as well!

We know that ducks are used for food in many parts of the world, though it’s not certain what’s going on in this video. In the distance, there is a person on a motorbike or driving some sort of vehicle, and this batch of chubby-bodied and long-necked birds appear to be running away from the human. It looks a little like a cattle drive in Yellowstone, but the presumed cowboy isn’t on a horse, and the animals being herded are ducks. 

The big question is where they are headed. Moving en masse, there doesn’t appear to be a leader in the group. There have got to be a few hundred in the huddle and not one break from the crowd. They run frantically away from the approaching person and then suddenly make a turn back toward the direction they came from. Perhaps, there was some other threat in the road’s bend that caused them all to retreat! 

We’ve heard the expression about sheep. Maybe, sheep have gotten a bad rap all this time because this is certainly classic “following” behavior! Not one of these fouls is putting their neck out to do anything different! 

Who knows what’s going on with these feathered beings? Surely, the ducks kicking up all of the dust at this moment, captured digitally forever, are really just a sweet little gift from God—a little funny for His other creations. 

When life feels weighty and way too serious, it sure is nice to be reminded of simple, silly stuff that happens right next door or all the way around the world! 

“How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” Psalms 104:24


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Overcome Procrastination and Laziness - Your Daily Prayer - October 23

The temptation to be lazy is ever-present. Just like any sin, laziness is exchanging long-term benefits for partaking in temporary pleasure. It is a seemingly easy road, but it leads to consequences.

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