Blood of My Blood (original) by Roch Gillmore - Christian Music Videos


Copyright Song 2011. I was inspired to write this song after meeting/hearing the story of a mother who had Rh negative blood type during her pregnancy and Rhogam shot did not work so they had to do a blood-tranfusion during the pregnancy.Praise God, today her daughter is 14 years old and living her life. "She is truly a miracle" her mom said.

However, the pictures in this video came from a family that I know and was able to pray for while they struggled with helping their premature baby to survive. She was on many monitors and medications as she endured seizures and many other complications. She too is a living miracle. And I was able to witness God's grace through her.

I wrote the song realizing that it is a parallel the Virgin Mary bearing Jesus. She had to struggle and journey to Bethlehem while pregnant with Him, then give birth to Him in a stable, and she knew that one day she would lose Him and that fear was inside her. And one thing is for sure; She knew that He was a miracle!

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