Homeowner Captures Bear And Her Cub Cooling Off In Pool - Cute Videos


It’s summertime, and every mother knows what that means. They thank the good Lord for inventing pools to keep their kids entertained, cooled off, and hopefully wear the blessed little angels out. 

That’s probably what this mama bear was thinking, too, when a homeowner captures the bear and her cub cooling off in her pool! 

That’s right, a mama bear wandered into a homeowner’s backyard with her baby in tow. It was apparently ‘pool day,’ and perhaps we should take a lesson from her too. She worry about what she looked like in her fursuit but instead dove in to have a little fun with her cub and cool off. 

In this viral video that a homeowner uploaded, it shows a mama bear wading through the water and her baby having the time of their lives. 

When the video was uploaded, they added this caption: “Mama bear with the one cub come over to swim and keep cool. They are left alone and don’t bother the homeowners. They come around in the spring-summer. They don’t poop in the pool, just leave their dirt.” 

Well, that’s a relief; no one wants to see floaters in the pool. That would be just embarrassing as a mom. Can you imagine having to apologize for that? Good thing this cub was potty trained, and its mama found a creative way to help her cub have a little fun during the hottest part of summer. 

After this cute video was posted online, it gained more than 300,000 views with plenty of comments. One viewer was tickled over the cub’s resistance to ‘swim lessons,’ and commented, “They are so adorable and sweet! I’m glad they got relief from the heat and didn’t damage anything! Love how momma tried swimming lessons and her cub was having no part of it!”

We couldn’t agree more. No matter whether we have skin or fur, a mother’s role is a full-time job–fun included!

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