Twin Brothers Prank Hospital Nurse With Epic Switch After Hip Surgery

Two people, given their identical appearance, were able to pull off quite a hilarious hospital prank on an unsuspecting nurse. 

Hospitals or emergency rooms are not places anyone wants to visit. Trips to the hospital do not often result in fun, laughter or joy. Instead, it’s usually to correct a situation causing discomfort or pain – which is rarely, if ever, a laughing matter. But two men, who happen to be twins, used their similar appearances to pull a fun, light-hearted prank on a hospital employee, according to Sunny Skyz.

The short clip, posted on Instagram, begins with a balding, middle-aged man in a hospital gown limping out into a hospital hallway. The nurse, after spotting the man struggling to walk, races over to him and informs him of the potential danger of his actions.

“Where are you going?” the nurse asks. “This is very dangerous. You have to stop!”

Despite the nurse’s stern warning and admonishment, the “hospital patient” continues to move. At one point, he begins moving his leg up and throws in a few hops. The man even fakes a fall as the nurse holds onto his left arm. 

“I’m not kidding,” she said. “Joking? Stop! Look at me! Look at me! I’m not joking!”

By this point, as the nurse begs and pleads for the patient to stop moving about, there is a chorus of laughter. No one can contain themselves as they watch the nurse react with anger and horror. 

Eventually, the man behind the camera taps the nurse on the shoulder and points her toward the man’s hospital room. Much to the nurse’s surprise, the hospital bed is occupied. The man who has just undergone hip surgery remains in the bed. 

The nurse, after she realizes that she has been pranked, can do nothing else but bury her face in her hands. Her eyes say it all. She is both surprised and relieved.

Proverbs 17:22 “A glad heart makes a healthy body, but a crushed spirit makes the bones dry.”

Source: Instagram

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A Prayer to Overcome Procrastination and Laziness - Your Daily Prayer - October 23

The temptation to be lazy is ever-present. Just like any sin, laziness is exchanging long-term benefits for partaking in temporary pleasure. It is a seemingly easy road, but it leads to consequences.

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